Our newest research-advisor Prof. Randall J. Bateman, MD.

Pat & Dennis Bender Medical Research Fund

We support the development of improved diagnostic methods for the early detection of MCI, Alzheimer’s, vascular and other dementias and their treatment. We also support the development of Bayesian-based medical-decision-support systems, comparative-effectiveness research and the better utilization of these for the above. (After incorporating in KY to form a 501(c)3, we dissolved that entity for a simplified form of two entirely-self-financed, private-philanthropies. A Vanguard National Trust account is being setup for making annual-research-grants for specific early-dementia-detection and its correct differential-diagnosis and prognosis, after I am gone, mentally or physically. Prof. Randall Bateman is one of our two future fund research advisors. See: https://www.alz.org/alzheimers-dementia/research_progress/earlier-diagnosis).

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www.JDBender.com – EAA Experimental Aviation Fund (Vanguard National Trust)

www.JDBender.org – Dementia Diagnosis Fund (Vanguard National Trust)